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Avrocar reports

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Avrocar reports Empty Avrocar reports

Post by Admin Sat Aug 29, 2020 8:15 am


1952 Qualitative Coanda Comparison, Kuzyk, W., AVRO Aircraft Ltd. Report No.  VTO/TEST/2.
1952 July, Project Y, An All-Wing Supersonic Aeroplane.
1952 Air Cushion Effects Tests. McKee R. AVRO Aircraft Ltd., Report No. TR 3.
1953 April, "Man-MADE Flying Saucers" ' London, pg 11-12., The R A F Revlew
1953 Mobile Ground Effect Machine. Preliminary Report, Gilbertson F.L., AVRO Aircraft Ltd., Report No. P450/PERF/1.
1954 January 5, AVRO Canada's OMEGA, Aeroplane V84 No.2180 pg 568
1954 January Thrust Recovery of a High Aspect Ratio Jet Issuing from a Flatted Nozzle in a Surface Normal to a Supersonic Stream, Earl T.D., Report no. VTOFTEST/4.
1954 May 31, Flying Saucer Bounces Off Design Board, Life 36:18-19.
1955 June 14, Is This A Real Flying Saucer? Look 19:44-6.
1955 October, US AF Office of Public Information, News Release No. 1053-55.
1955 November 4, Flying Saucers, you'll see some official ones soon. US New & World Report 39:62-4,
1955 November 7, $100 million Saucer, il diag Newsweek 46:60.
1955 Presentation and Discussion of 1/6th Scale Model Subsonic Wind Tunnel Test Results. Wassenaar J ., AVRO Aircraft Ltd, Report Mp/AVRO/SPG/TR 12,
1955 December, Aviation Week
1956 1 June, An Investigation into the Stability and Control of Ducted Fan-Ramjet Aircraft,Project 1794, USAF Contract No.AF33(600)30l61 I.D. No.56RDZ-13711.
1957 Research Program Leading to the Design of a U.S.Army GETOL Aircraft, anon.  AVRO Aircraft Ltd., Report 000/PROP/1.
1957 February 11, American Aviation.
1957 July 15, Newsweek
1957 August 19, Aviation Week,
1957 October 30, AVRO AIRCRAFT V.T.O.L. AERIAL JEEP. (Brochure)
1957 December 2, AVRO Development Report No.4 US Army Requirements for a New Family of Air Vehicles.
1958 April, Long Range Planning, Programs and Statistics - CF-100, Arrow, Avrocar and VTOL Fighter/Bomber, 1955-1970, A-O28, Avro Aircraft Ltd.
1958 May, A Brief Technical Description of the AVROCAR. Avro/SPG/TR 174 I.D. N0.58RDZ-16141.
1958 May 20, Program Planning Report AVROCAR 1, U.S.Army Designation VZ-9AV, I.D. No.58RDZ-11206.
1958 September 8, American Aviation.
1958 October, AVROCAR. Proposed Amendments.
1958 November, AVRO Report No.9, A Review of Promising Future AVRO Projects.
1958 Secret Saucer, Product Engineering 29:18, D 15.
1959 January 26-29, Convertible Turbojet Engines for VTOL Aircraft, MA. Zipkin, R. J. Rossbach and H. Brown. G. E. C. IAS. 27th Annual meeting, New York.
1959 The Development of the Equations of Motion of the AVROCAR, McKee R. AVRO Aircraft Ltd., Report No. AVRO/SPG/TR-244.
1959 The AVROCAR Design, AVRO/SPG/TR 254, I.D.No.59RDZ-2885.
1959 October 21, Flow Phenomena of Focused Annular Jet, J.C.M.Frost and T.D.Earl SYMPOSIUM ON GROUND EFFECT PHENOMENA at Princeton University Department of Engineering with the U.S.Army TRECOM as part of the ALART Program. pg 87-99.
1959 Power Plants for VTOL Aircraft: Performance Calculations for Several  Hypothetical Turbofan Engines. Cockshutt E.P., Galitizine N., Weibust T., NRC of Canada Report LR 256.
1959 The Effect of the lncorrect Loss Assumptions in AVROCAR Static Thrust and Turborotator running Conditions. Bryans A.C., Avro Aircrafl Ltd., Report AVRO/SPG/TR-263.
1959 Data Report for the 1/5-scale AVROCAR Model Tests (Partl). Baily A.B., AVRO Aircraft  Ltd., Report AVRO/SPG/TR-265.
1959 December, Tests of the AVROCAR in the Static Rig., Watson M.B.P., AVRO Aircraft Ltd, Report AVRO/SPG/TR-305.
1960 January, Data Report for 1/20th Scale AVROCAR Model Focusing Ring Control., Garland D.B., AVRO Aircraft Ltd. Report AVRO/SPG/TR-308.
1960 February, Summary Technical Report AVROCAR TURBOROTOR Development Program, CR-300 Orenda Engines.
1960 February, Static Rig and Flight Tests of the AVROCAR Fitted with the Focusing Ring Control, Martin P., McGee P.J., AVRO Aircrafl Ltd, Report 500/AVRO/SPG/TR-31 1.
1960 April 6 & 7, Overview of AVROCAR Development Projects, l.D.No.6ORDZ-2246 USAF AF33(600)-37496 Supplemental Agreement No.1.
1960 May, Second Progress Report on the Hovering Flight Tests of the AVROCAR fitted with the Focusing Ring Control, Report 500/Aero Test/400, I.D.No.60RDZ-2262.
1960 May 27, Preliminary Proposal For The Iroquois 22 Engine in STOL Applications, Orenda  B7-60.
1960? Results of Static and Flight Tests. Martin P., AVRO Aircraft Ltd., Report 500/AERO TEST/409
1960? AVROCAR Continuation Program Data Report for 1/20 Scale AVROCAR Model.  McGee P.J., AVRO Aircraft Ltd., Report 500/AERO TEST/410.
1960? Canadian Government Program for AVROCAR. Phase I: 1/20 Scale AVROCAR Model Comparison Tests at UTIA and AVRO Aircraft Ltd, Garland D.B., McGee P.J., AVRO Aircraft Ltd, Report 500/AERO TEST/418.
1960 June, Data report for 1/20 scale AVROCAR Model Focusing Ring Control: Forward Flight Tests, Garland D.B., AVRO Aircraft Ltd, Report AVRO/SPG/TR-313.
1960 July, Thrust Augmentation Model Phase Ill Tests, McGee. P.J.,W.S. 606A AVRO Aircraft Ltd, Report 600/Aero Test/ 15.
1960 August, Studies of Ground Effect on a Inwardly Inclined Annular Jet. Part I: Apparatus and Method of Testing; Effects of Aspect Ratio and Pressure Ratio, Garland D.B. UTIA TN 37.
1960 November, AVROCAR Continuation Test Program - AVROCAR  I - U.S.Army Designation - VZ-9AV, Progress Report NO.3 500/PROJ/6, USAF Contract AF33(600)42163.
1961 February, Canadian Government Program for the ARVOCAR Phase 2, GETOL Logistics Aircraft, Propulsion Systems Analysis, Black D.F.

1961 February» April, Orenda AVROCAR Wooden Model Inlet Tests at N .R.C.
1961 March, Canadian Government Program for the AVROCAR Phase 2. GETOL Logistics Aircraft: General Performance, Lockwood K., AVRO Aircraft Ltd., Report 500/PERF/423.
1961 March, Canadian Government Program for the AVROCAR Phase  2. GETOL Logistics Aircraft; Take-off Performance, Lockwood K. AVRO Aircraft Ltd, Report 500/PERF/424.
1961 March, Straight Up from Malton (Turbo Lifting Fan Work Puts Orenda on Top of VTOL Field) Aircraft Engineering, pg 31-32.
1961 April, Report on Canadian Government Program for AVROCAR, Orenda Engines Ltd., Report No. CR-301.
1961 May, Studies of Ground -Effect on a 60 deg. Inwardly Inclined Annular Jet. Part II: Base Plate Thrust Augmentation Pressure Distribution; Effects of Aspect Ratio, Pressure Ratio and Height above Ground: Jet Stability. Smith R.E. UTIA TN-47.
1961 June, Proposal For Further Development of The AVROCAR, Report No.500/PROP/13
1961 July, The AVROCAR Chapter, anon, Aircraft, il diag.
1961 October, W. Rupert Turnbull Seventh Lecture May 25, J.C.M.Frost. The Canadian Contribution to The Ground Cushion Story. CAI Journal V 7 N 8, pg 286-302.
1961 Analysis of the AVROCAR in the NASA 40 x 80 Foot Wind Tunnel Ames Research Centre, Whittley D.C., Garland D.B., AVRO Aircraft Ltd., Report No. 500/AERO TEST/407.
1961 Report on Phase 2 Tests of an AVROCAR in the 40 x 80 foot Wind tunnel at NASA Ames Research Centre, Garland D.B., AVRO Aircraft Ltd., Report 500/AERO TEST/408
1961 Analysis Report for the 1/20 scale AVROCAR Development Model, Watson M.B.P., AVRO Aircraft Ltd., Report AVRO/SPG/TR-420.
1961 September, AVRO GEMINI (Ground Effect Machine In Northern Industry) One Ton Off-Highway Vehicle, (Brochure)
1961 September, The Big Wheel Transporter - 50 ft wheels. (Brochure)
1961 December, GEMINI One Ton Off-Highway Vehicle Report.
1962 January, AVROCAR Flight Evaluation - Appendix 1, General Aircraft Information, Dechart W,H., Hodgson W.J., USAF Flight Test Centre, Edwards AFB, FTC-TDR-61-56.

1962 January, Ground Effect Machines, Earl T.D., Advisory Group for Aeronautical Research & Development, AGARD-67. (150 pg)
1962 May, Asymmetry of Annular Jet Flow in Ground Proximity Part I: 60 deg inwardly inclined Annular Jet Hovering at Zero Angle of Attack, Scott W.J., UTIA TN-61.
1962 September, GEMINI Ground Effect Machine: One Ton Off-Highway Vehicle, Hawker-Siddeley Canada Ltd. Eng. Div.
1962 October, Asymmetry of Annular Jet Flow in Ground Proximity Part II: A Static 60 deg. inwardly inclined Annular Jet at a Angle of Attack, Stephens P.R., UTIA TN-63.
1962 Circular Wing and Related Problems. Levey H.C., Wynter P.E., PROC. ROYAL SOC. SEC. A Vol 268 No.1334.
1963 February, Large-Scale Wind-Tunnel Tests of a Circular Plan-form Aircraft with a Peripheral Jet for Lift, Thrust and Control, R.K.Greif, W.H. Tolhurst, Jr. NASA TECH NOTE D-I432. Ames Research Centre, CA.
1963 May 9, Sliding Rind Focuses Flying Saucer Thrust. il diag. Machine Design 35:210.
1964 July, GEMINI 1-Ton Amphibious, Off-Highway Air Transportable Vehicle Concept Evaluation Program. USATRC, TRECOM Report N0. 64-34.
1966 February, GEMINI One-Ton Air Transportable Vehicle, Continuation of Phase I Program. Final Report. Keast F. H., USAAVLABS TR-65-83.
1967 October, The UFO from the Designer's Viewpoint, Air Progress, Berliner Don, pg 36.
1969 March, A "Flesh and Blood" Saucer, Letter & Reply, Flying Review International, pg 71.
1974 June, The Almost Flying Saucer, Ball Ernst, Air Enthusiast, pg 300-301.
1979 February 3, AVROCAR reported on Display at Fort Eustis US Army Transport Museum.
1980 October, Obituary of John Carver Meadows Frost. CEng.. FCASI. MRAeS. Death October 9th 1979, at the age of 63, Canadian Aeronautics and Space Journal Vol. 26, No.2, Second Quarter 1980 pg I59-160.


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Join date : 2020-08-25


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