AVRO Gumshoe
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Welcome to the search Empty Welcome to the search

Post by Admin Tue Aug 25, 2020 8:29 am

This forum is being developed for the people interested in lending help to the Avro Museum, as requested in the July 2020 newsletter. "We need folks, like you, that can flog a keyboard and snoop around the Internet to find the parts of the Avro story that needs to be told from documents that are out there someplace. You can work your own hours; take breaks whenever you like. You don’t even have to get out of your pajamas to help us."

So if you read that part, got interested and want to help out, someone probably sent you to this site.

The goal of this forum is to keep track of each other's work, avoid duplication and see what interesting finds we can send to each other, ultimately headed to the repository at the museum.

Obviously, this is brand new and nobody is yet using it. The plan is to create sub-sections and threads for specific topics so that everything isn't just thrown into one area. Broad ideas would include the obvious like the Arrow, the CF-100, The Jetliner, Orenda engines etc. Once started, sub sections will likely develop, someone may be interested in gleaning details on the vacuum tube technology in the Arrow, another might know something of the titanium machining used in the Iroquois engine...I'm sure there will be some false starts before things settle into a smooth package.

Let's give it a try!


Posts : 19
Join date : 2020-08-25


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