AVRO Gumshoe
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How to post on here.

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How to post on here. Empty How to post on here.

Post by Admin Thu Sep 10, 2020 4:55 pm

For anyone not used to even being on a forum, some of these menus will take a bit of getting used to.  Once you get the feel of the place and recognize the icons in the post area, you'll likely feel more comfortable in here.

How to post on here. Icons10
Although some forums will allow you to simply drag and drop an image into the post you're creating, this place needs you to 'host' the image.  As long as you know the file name and location on your computer, just click on the "host an image" icon, three to the left of the 'YouTube' image.  Insert your picture there, upload it and put it in place.  I did those steps to put the above image of the menu bar in here...just did a screen grab, cropped it and saved it to my desktop for the filename.

The next icon says "Insert an image" when you roll over it, handy for putting in something that you found on another website.  You just copy the URL of that site's image and use it here.

Similarly, pasting in the URL of a youtube video, in the appropriate icon should bring forth the video to this screen.  I've put a Jim Floyd video in as an example.

Most of the other icons are great to experiment with, but won't be needed much.  For example, the far left will let you play with your text...Bold, italic, underline, strikethrough.  Just highlight your text after it's written and click the button you want to change any words.

It's good to remember that if you don't like something you put here, say you look at it the the next day and realize there's a mistake, just use the 'EDIT' button near the top to come back in to change things.

Similarly, the "QUOTE" button is useful for the times you may wish to comment on someone elses message or topic, especially if it's farther up on the list and you aren't answering on the very next message. The quote button brings up the other person's whole message in your box, and you can add your own comments to it so when it's read later, the context is all in place.


Posts : 19
Join date : 2020-08-25


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