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Avrocar Want List

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Avrocar Want List Empty Avrocar Want List

Post by Admin Sat Aug 29, 2020 8:52 am

WANT LIST - August 4, 1983
1. "Man-Made Flying Saucers", The R.A. F. Review, London, April 1953, pg ll—l2
2. Office of Public Information, U.S. Air Force, News Release #lO53—55. October 25, 1955
3. Research Program Leading to the Design of a U.S. Anny GETOL Aircraft, anon. AvroAircraft Ltd, Report OOO/PROP/l
4. The Effect of the Incorrect Loss Assumptions in AVROQXR Static Thrust and Turbo-rotator running Condition. A.C. Bryans, Avro Aircraft Ltd Report AVRO/SPC-/TR—263
5. Results of Static and Flight Tests. P. Martin, Avro Aircraft Ltd, Report 500/AERO TEST/409
6. Static Rig and Flight Tests of the Avrocar fitted with the Focusing Ring Control. ‘ P. Martin, P.J. McCee, Avro Aircraft Ltd, Report 500/AVRO/SPG-TR—3ll. Feb 1960
7. Thrust Augmentation Model Phase III Tests, McGee, P.J. , Avro Aircraft Ltd, Report 600/AHZO TEST/15, July, 1960.
8. Canadian Government Program for the Avrocar, Phase 2, GETOL logistics Aircraft, Propulsion Systems Analysis, D.F. Black, Avro Aircraft Ltd Report 500/Int Aero/422 (Feb. 1961)
9. Canadian Government Program‘ for H18 Avrocar, Phase 2. GETOL logistics Aircraft; General Performance. K. Lockwood, Avro Aircraft Ltd, Report 500/PERF/423 (Mar, 1961)
10. Canadian Government Program for the Avrocar Phase 2. GETOL Logistics Aircraft; Take—off Performance. K. Lockwood. Avro Aircraft Ltd. Report 500/PERF/424(Mar. 61)
11. Canadian Government Program for the Avrocar. Phase I: ‘ l/20th Scale Avrocar Model Comparison Tests at UTIA and Avro Aircraft Ltd, D.E. Garland and P.J. McGee, Avro Aircraft Ltd, Report 500/Aero Test/418 .
12. Report on Phase 2 Tests of an Avrocar in a 1+0 X 80 foot wind tunnel at NASA Ames Research Center. , D.B. Garland, Avro Aircraft Ltd Report 500/Aero Test/408 (1961)
13. Data Report for l/20th Scale Avrocar Model Focussing Ring Control‘, D.B. Garland, Avro Aircraft Ltd Report Avro/SPC-/TR—308 (Jan 1960)
14. The Development of the Equations of Motion of the Avrocar. R. McKee, Avro Aircraft Ltd, Report Avro/SPG/TR—244
15. Report on Canadian Government Program for Avrocar, Orenda Engines Ltd, Report #CR— 301, April 1961
16. Thrust Augmentation Model Phase III Tests, McGee, P.J. , W.S. 606A, Avro Aircraft Ltd, Report 600/Aero Test/15, July 1960
17. Canadian Government Contract Phase 2. Design Sumnary Report. D. Hayward, Avro Aircraft Ltd. (prob 1961)
18. Qualitative Coanda Comparison. Kuzyk, W. , Avro Aircraft Ltd, Report VTO/TEST/2 (approx 1952)
19. Gemini Ground Effect Machine. One Ton Off—Hig11way Vehicle. Hawker Siddeley Canada Ltd, Eng Div (Sept l962).
20. Air Cushion Effect Tests. McKee, R. Avro Aircraft Ltd, Report #TR—3.
21. Presentation and Discussion of ‘l/6th Scale Model Subsonic Wind Tunnel Test Results. J. Wassenaar. Avro Aircraft Ltd, Report Mp/Avro/SPG/TR—12
22. Thrust Recovery of a High Aspect Ratio Jet Issuing from a Flattened Nozzle in a Surface Normal to a Supersonic Stream. T.D.-Earl, Report No. V10/TEST/4, January 1954.
23. Mobile Ground Effect Machine. Preliminary Report. Gilbertson, F.L. , Avro Aircraft Ltd, Report No. P450/PFRF/1
24. Final Technical Summary, Project 1794. Avro Aircraft Ltd, '12 July 1956. I.D. # 56-RDZ-l3709 .
25. Circular Wing and Related Problems. H.C. Levey, P.E. Wynter, Proceedings of Royal Society, Sec A, Vol 268, #1334 (1962)
26. Process Planning, Manufacturing Methods and Tool Designing for PV 704 6—Viper‘ Test Rig. Avro Aircraft Ltd, December. 1957 (69 pgs. (many fold-out 11 x 17) *
27. Avrocar Continuation Test Program Instrumentation Specs for Tunnel Tests lst Avrocar Vehicle. Avro Aircraft Ltd, Report 500/Aero Test/415, December, 1960 (20 pgs) USAF Contract AF33(600)42l63.7k
28. Avrocar Continuation Test Program Specs for Phase 2 Tests of an Avrocar in the 40 X 80 ft wind tunnel at NASA Ames Research Center. Avro Aircraft Ltd Report -500/Aero T8511/405, Issue 2. December l96O (34 pgs) USAF Contract AF33(600)42163*
29. Approx. 51 pages of 8% x ll Patent Information (Inventors J.C.M. Frost; C.J. Williams) , Maybee & Legris — Attorneys (undated) *
30. Project Y, An all—wing Supersonic Aeroplane. Avro Aircraft Ltd, July l952**
31. An Investigation into the Stability and Control of the Ducted Fan Ramjet Aircraft Project 1794. 1 June 1956. I..D. 56—RDZ—13711. USAF Contract 'AF33(6QQ)3O161**
32. Avro Aircraft VIOL Aerial Jeep, (Brochure), October 30, 1957 **
33. Avromobile - A New Family of Air Vehicles. Avro Aircraft Ltd, November, 1957 **
34. A Brief Technical Description of the Avrocar. Avro Aircraft Ltd, SPG/TR—l174, May 1958. I.D. #58RDZ—16141 **
35. Program Planning Report Avrocar l. U.S. Army Designation VZ-9AV, 20 May 1958 I.D. 58RDZ~11206. ** .
36. A New Family of Air Vehicles - Avromobile, Avrocoach, Avrotruck. Avrocar. (Brochure) June 1958. **
37. Avrocar. Proposed Amendments. October, l958. **
38. The Avrocar Design. Avro Aircraft Ltd, Avro/SPG/TR 254. I.D. # 59RDZ—2885 **
39. Summary Technical Report Avrocar Turborotor Development Program CR—300, Orenda Engines, February, 1960
40. Review of Avrocar Development Prospects. Supplemental Agreement No. 1, 6-7 April 1960. I.D. 9’/I 60RDZ—2246. USAF Contract 33(600)37496 **
41. Second Progress Report on the Hovering Flight Tests of the Avrocar fitted with the Focussing Ring Control. Avro Aircraft Ltd, 500/Aero Test:/400, May, 1960 I.D. No. 6ORDZ—2262. **
42. Avro Gemini Ground Effect Machine in Northern Industry. One Ton Off—highway Vehicle (Brochure) Sept, 1961.
43. Gemini ‘One Ton Off—Highway Vehicle. Report December 1961. **
44. Avrocar Tests at National Research Council. February 1961 **
45. Long Range Planning Programs and Statistics CF—100, Arrow, Avrocar and VTOL Fighter/Bomber. 1955 to 1970. **
46. The Big Wheel Transporter - 50 foot wheels. September, 1961. (Brochure) **


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Join date : 2020-08-25


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